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Request to Use Learning Materials in Land & Water Theme

Posted by Kejsi Ago on June 8, 2022

Below is sustainability intern, Alec McKay's permission request to use Jonathan Tomkin's lecture materials for the Land & Water theme. Professor Tomkin gave permission for his materials to be published on the theme page.

Hi Jonathan!

My name is Alec McKay, the guy who messed up scheduling the ENSU 310 final last semester, and I’m an intern working for Morgan White, the Associate Director for Sustainability. We’re working on updating the primary projects on the iCAP Portal. Here is an example of what the primary project page for the Land & Water theme looks like:

Our target audience is incoming freshmen and current students who are interested in sustainability at UIUC but have little to no knowledge about it. One of the things we want a primary project page to do is provide some motivation and background information for the theme. In the context of Land & Water, we’d like to answer the question, “Why conserve water?”

I think some of the videos from your Introduction to Sustainability Coursera course would be great for this! May I have your permission to put some of the videos from your course on the iCAP Portal? I don’t know how the copyright and intellectual property laws work, so is there any specific way you would want or need to be credited?

If you want more information regarding what we’re changing on the iCAP portal, feel free to let me know!

