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iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - August 12, 2022

Posted by Michael McKelvey on August 12, 2022

Michael showed updates to the iCAP Portal:

  • It's safe to delete Collections; tested on dev to confirm it doesn't break anything.
  • Project Collection page: fixed bug where project hierarchy showed all Collections for each project rather than only current Collection.
  • Create project page: fixed bug where input fields were overflowing their containers in Firefox.
  • The Projects by Project Status listing now allows you to select how many projects to view at a time, including All. There is also a “Download list of projects as CSV file” link below the listing, which includes the URL as its own column, since CSV files can’t include clickable links.


  • Theme pages (e.g. Dev site Energy theme page)
    • Padding between Project Hierarchy & Other Projects
    • Make description collapsible
    • Move to live site once other changes completed
  • Project Header Layout (e.g. LEED Certification project)
    • Add padding below header image
  • Project Creation/Update page
    • Add checkboxes for "Make ____ field collapsible" for each textarea (Description, Background, Conclusion)