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iSEE research newsletter - EV chargers

Posted by Morgan White on February 27, 2024



Photo of iSEE Director Madhu Khanna charging an electric vehicle



In the Media: EV Charging Stations

A Chicago Tribune story on plans by the state of Illinois to add more than 1,000 new public electric vehicle (EV) chargers included expertise shared by iSEE affiliate George Gross, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois. He said the shortage of EV charging stations isn't just an Illinois problem but a national one. Explore EV and other sustainable transportation options — and ways to make these systems more equitable for all to access — May 16-17 at an iSEE workshop in Chicago on "Envisioning Equitable Transitions to Sustainable Transportation Systems," co-hosted by the University of Illinois-Chicago! Details >>>