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RFID Tag Installation Specification Sheets

Posted by Shreya Mahajan on December 13, 2019

From: Pai, Shantanu <>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 1:16 PM
To: Varney, Peter W <>; Patterson, Shawn L <>; Hiser, Daniel William <>; Sinn, Macie Anne <>
Subject: RFID tag installation spec sheet




As discussed please find enclosed the RFID tag installation specification sheets. This is a rough draft and look forward to your edits. Additionally, I have these maps from the Fall that I don’t know if they were ever verified, thus adding this to the requirements as someone will be there any way.

I still don’t have access to the share drive so right now just email your edits to me, I will start moving stuff on the share drive once I have access.







Assistant Sustainability Researcher
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Prairie Research Institute 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1010 Jorie Blv| Oak Brook, IL 60523 |630.586.9168 | |

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