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Projects Updates for Track Waste from Frontload Trucks
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LoadMan truck status update - sent to Dan and Daphne every 7:00PM CST
Associated Project(s):From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 7:00 PM
To: Hiser, Daniel William <>
Subject: Truck Status August 08Hi Dan,
Truck Name
Front Load Landfill
New Truck
New Truck
No GPS and no loads
Column definitions and actions:
- NoGPS is the count of lift records missing GPS coordinates. Lifts without GPS can’t be assigned to a customer by location
- Loads is the count of lift records
- GPS is the count of truck location records, typically recorded every 20 to 30 seconds
- On/Off is the count of meter power on and power off messages
- Missed is a load that was weighed while lifted but the empty container wasn't weighed when set down because of the fork angle
- Neg is the count of lifts negative by more than 100 lbs. A high count indicates a calibration problem
- Status is a summary of what the counts mean.
- Blank means no problems detected
- No Loads means that no lifts were recorded.
- No GPS means no GPS coordinates were recorded
- Missing GPS means more than 10% of loads lacked GPS coordinates.
- XX% negative loads is lifts/neg when the result is greater than 10%
- No truck locations means that lifts have GPS coordinates but the truck isn’t recording location records
- No GPS and no loads means the truck is connecting but not sending data
“No Loads” means that truck didn’t record any loads during the route.
For “No Loads” and “XX% negative loads”, call Richard at 206-898-7801 and have a bubble level to see if the problem can be fixed with calibration. Richard may diagnose a problem that could require your dealer to make a service call to fix it.
For “No GPS” or "Missing GPS", get in the cab of the truck and locate the GPS antenna (a black plastic magnet-backed square about an inch on a side and ½ an inch high) and ensure that it is plugged in and near the windshield so it is exposed to the sky and not covered up by something. You can also go into troubleshooting mode and go to TROUBLE GPS which will display the number of satellites that the meter can lock onto and the current lat/lon.
For "Missed", the gross weight of the lift is stored in the container weight and the load weight is zero. To "repair" the record, subtract the empty container weight from earlier lifts at that location and store the difference in the load weight.
There’s a separate table at the bottom of truck reports that indicates the last time the meter connected. If the truck is active and the meter should have connected but hasn’t sent any data, call me (John) at 425-235-4335 and I can help troubleshoot connection problems.
jccRestarting Loadman Initiative
Associated Project(s):Kenny is going to call, as a side note there have been multiple pan replacements and broken or missing RFID’s on front loads around campus. I think to get a real count on what locations don’t have RFID’d the functioning system will have to go around dumping and it should geolocate as unreadable and with that info we will know the location not tagged or broken.
Thank you,
From: Richard Boyovich <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 2:57 PM
To: John Cramer <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Baarla, Naveen <>; Larry Santi <>
Subject: Re: Restarting Loadman at UIUCHello Daphne
If you could get someone to call me from in the cab of said vehicles, I can provide technical assistance without any cost. Not sure what parts were shipped to you for repairs, but I can figure this out quickly once I have someone to speak with. Understand, these systems have very sophisticated troubleshooting features. I can typically know what the issue is in less than 15 minutes. You can give my mobile number out to anyone that works with the front loaders, and I work on Saturdays, no problem.
Richard Boyovich
Mobile 206-898-7801
From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 12:02:12 PM
To: John Cramer <>
Cc: Baarla, Naveen <>
Subject: Restarting Loadman at UIUCHi John,
I work as the zero waste coordinator at the University of Illinois, and I wanted to reach out regarding the Loadman service that we previously used. We had just begun this initiative under Shantanu Pai (who has since left) and as I understand it, things fizzled out after the pandemic hit. We’re very interested in restarting this initiative!
Currently, we have two frontload trucks that have the Loadman equipment. There were parts that had broken, so parts were ordered to replace the broken ones. However, we have not yet installed these pieces. We are thinking that a site visit from Loadman might be helpful in getting everything back up and running again.
Wanted to reach out to you, introduce myself, and see what next steps would be best to take.
Thank you!
DAPHNE HULSE (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.Restarting the Initiative
Associated Project(s):Hi Daphne,
Thank you for contacting us. The pandemic did interrupt a lot of projects.
I have added Larry Santi, the owner of Loadman, and Richard Boyovich, the VP of Sales, on the CC line. They are the best people to help with putting you in contact with your dealer for repairs and parts. I am a software developer and I can help you with software issues like creating accounts to log onto Load Manager and fetching your data. I also do all of the web-based software support and training.
Thanks again for contacting us,
John Cramer
Software Developer
Creative Microsystems, Inc
Hi John,
I work as the zero waste coordinator at the University of Illinois, and I wanted to reach out regarding the Loadman service that we previously used. We had just begun this initiative under Shantanu Pai (who has since left) and as I understand it, things fizzled out after the pandemic hit. We’re very interested in restarting this initiative!
Currently, we have two frontload trucks that have the Loadman equipment. There were parts that had broken, so parts were ordered to replace the broken ones. However, we have not yet installed these pieces. We are thinking that a site visit from Loadman might be helpful in getting everything back up and running again.
Wanted to reach out to you, introduce myself, and see what next steps would be best to take.
Thank you!
DAPHNE HULSE (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.Sensor Pilot Update
Associated Project(s):From: Hiser, Daniel William <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 9:25 AM
To: Trimble, Syd <>; Varney, Peter W <>
Subject: RE: Sensor Pilot Update?*Update
I don’t have access to the app that would allow me to program the RFID tags. The tags were purchased from and the watch that is supposed to do something with them is SLS RFID Solutions I took a minimal amount of time to try to piece those clues together with no success and have not returned to the subject. The system is still just a pilot and will remain as such until we have a dedicated Zero Waste Coordinator.
The arm system on our truck had the ARM400 and power cable go bad on it so between calls with loadman to diagnose the issue and for them to finally get us the parts resulted in a 3-month lapse in data and the parts are evidently not covered under warranty (not that it's significant other than I think they should be) The system itself when working “properly” requires frequent calibration and it “learns” the driver. This is not good for us as drivers change and the results are frequent negative loads and misreadings.
I think you can get data from these trucks to an extent, but at the same time I would be hesitant to use it as a method to charge customers or with great certainty know the weights are accurate. At this time we are not equipped to consistently troubleshoot the system or have garage staff on standby to fix issues with the system as they arise. Long story short, it's almost good at what it's supposed to do but it will require more babysitting than I am willing to put into it at this time.
Thank you,
Dan Hiser
F&S Fleet Operations
Direct (217) 300-8545
From: Sydney Trimble <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 2:22 PM
To: Hiser, Daniel William <>; Varney, Peter W <>
Subject: Fwd: Sensor Pilot Update?Sounds like we gotta talk about this pretty soon. Dan, hopefully you got the time to come up with an update on this?
From: Janssen, April Lynn <>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 1:55 PM
Subject: Sensor Pilot Update?
To: Trimble, Syd <>
Cc: Samaras, Zach <>Hi Sydney,
I hope this new semester and planning for your October audit is going great!
Quick question for you, we know from Shantanu (and keep referencing admirably) that F&S is/was implementing a six-month pilot program with weighing sensors installed on the lift arms a waste hauling truck, and that the weight recording, paired with the bar codes on each dumpster, enabled the University to track the weight of material collected from each dumpster. You know this story.
The point - could you provide us a brief update on how that’s going? Is the pilot over or is this now a standard practice? Is it Sensoneo technology or another? I definitely want to stop by next time I am in Champaign and see how this all works 😊 We just spoke with a hauler on that services a university here in Chicago and they could definitely benefit from this technology.
Enjoy your weekend!
Sustainability Specialist
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Prairie Research Institute
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
217-244-0469 |
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.RFID Tag Fix Situation
Associated Project(s):From: Pai, Shantanu <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 7:55 PM
To: Hiser, Daniel William <>
Cc: Varney, Peter W <>; Patterson, Shawn L <>
Subject: Loadman game planDan,
Just spoke to John from Loadman and here's what I think we should do next. If the RFID tags we put in today at Orchard Downs don't get read in the morning route we should call Randy and have him come fix it. John helped me set up a view so I can see which tags get read and which don't this way we can move forward with the iron workers on best locations for the tags as well. This is within the warranty of the system and would be something he should fix. In the meantime because we have all the landfill bins mapped by address on our Excel sheet we can geolocate them and start assigning pans to buildings. Once the RFID tag situation is fixed the tags can be added to it by John at Loadman.
RFID Tag Installation Specification Sheets
Associated Project(s):From: Pai, Shantanu <>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 1:16 PM
To: Varney, Peter W <>; Patterson, Shawn L <>; Hiser, Daniel William <>; Sinn, Macie Anne <>
Subject: RFID tag installation spec sheetAll,
As discussed please find enclosed the RFID tag installation specification sheets. This is a rough draft and look forward to your edits. Additionally, I have these maps from the Fall that I don’t know if they were ever verified, thus adding this to the requirements as someone will be there any way.
I still don’t have access to the share drive so right now just email your edits to me, I will start moving stuff on the share drive once I have access.
Assistant Sustainability Researcher
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Prairie Research Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1010 Jorie Blv| Oak Brook, IL 60523 |630.586.9168 | |
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.An Alternate Solution: GreenQ
Associated Project(s):From: Shlomy Ashkenazi <>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 9:18 AM
To: Varney, Peter W <>
Subject: Heads up - Front loader in ChicagoHi Pete, Trust all is well, Just wanted to update about a development that might be relevant for you. We are going to install later on this week a lite system on a front-loader (in Chicago). If everything goes well that means we can supply reduced cost system to all types of trucks – front,rear & side loaders in about half the price of the previous system. In addition we will have a local rep in Illinois. I’ll keep you posted.
Timeline Update
Associated Project(s):From: Pai, Shantanu <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:21 PM
To: John Cramer <>
Cc: Larry Santi <>; Calvin Cotton <>; Duda, Patrick Raymond <>; Bulbule, Kanchan Krishna <>; Hiser, Daniel William <>; Varney, Peter W <>
Subject: RE: Load Manager Real-Time Export to local databaseJohn,
Thank you so much for your demonstration yesterday and your willingness to accommodate our needs. I am looping in Patrick and Kanchan, who would appreciate the offer you all have graciously made more than I would. We are certainly moving forward with the Loadman system. A PO has been issued to Randy and Dan on our team is working with him to schedule the installation and deployment. The Facilities staff would need about 6-8 weeks from when Randy can come down and train our drivers to be operational with the RFID tags on the containers. I am hoping that once we have a timeline set with Randy, I will have a clear timeline but I would say we don’t need a ready solution for at least the next 8 weeks.
From: John Cramer <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 6:49 PM
To: Pai, Shantanu <>
Cc: Larry Santi <>; Calvin Cotton <>
Subject: Load Manager Real-Time Export to local databaseHi Shantanu,
When we did the last webinar, we discussed real-time export of data in the cloud to a locally hosted database. We also discussed the web API that could be used to fetch records and provided you with the API documentation.
I wanted to let you know we are planning to write a client application using the web API to fetch records from the cloud and store those records in a database. When it is complete, it will function much the same as the real-time export that we discussed but without the complexity of SQL Server queries over the Internet and the security concerns of having open SQL ports in the University firewall.
If you plan on moving forward with the Loadman system, could you let us know the timeframe of when you would be looking for the export capability? Also, let us know if you need any particular features. As a prospective “launch” customer for this application, you can make sure that your requirements are considered for being included in the product.
John Cramer
Software Engineer
Phone: 425-235-4335
Fax: 425-235-4937
15224 SE Renton Issaquah Road, Renton, WA 98059, USA
New Fork System
Associated Project(s):From: Hiser, Daniel William <>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 9:35 AM
To: Patterson, Shawn L <>; Varney, Peter W <>; Martin, John M <>; Sinn, Macie Anne <>
Subject: New Fork SystemHello All,
I have Randy Massen scheduled to be in town the week of May 20th, the days will be utilized as follows.
- Monday- Drive day
- Tuesday- Install day
- Wednesday- Training day (not the movie)
- Thursday- Return day
Dan Hiser
Sub Foreman
Tel: (217)333-4336
Cell: (217) 493-9832
Truck's Rear Compactor Model and Type Inquiry
Associated Project(s):From: Nadav Leshem <>
Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2018 6:47 AM
To: Pai, Shantanu <>; Varney, Peter W <>
Subject: pictures and informationDear Peter and Shantanu, how are you doing? Prior to our call next week, we would appreciate if you guys can provide us with the truck's rear compactor model and type, It seems to be a lot, but I kindly ask you to do what you can. Compactor body type and model Lifter type and model Pictures:
Truck pictures:
- Front
- Right
- Left
- Rear
- Area between cabin and compactor body
- Top of the compactor body
Lifter pictures
- Without container
i. Top ii. Bottom iii. Both sides in different angles
- With container (half way up and top position)
i. Top ii. Bottom iii. Both sides in different angles Dimensions:
- Compactor body length (A)
- Top of the compactor body length (B)
- Height of compactor body (C)
- Back side of the compactor (D)
- Lifter
- Lifter’s plate (width, height, thickness) (E)
- Basin’s partition thickness (F)
Thank you so much in advance.
Best Regards
Truck pictures: