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Weekly update

Posted by Morgan White on October 29, 2018

Last week was really relaxed in the shop. I’ve been able to dedicate some time to training the student staff a little better. Having them strip and build bikes is good repetition and practice for them.


Tuesday was the Bike Shipping Event, which did not go as planned. Working Bikes wasn’t able to get their big container down here so they only took 260 bikes. That was compounded by a poor showing of volunteers to help. Most of the loading was done by two Working Bikes people and myself, which was tiring. By the second half, we had 5 or 6 people to help.


On Friday, Todd and I pulled about 60 bikes out of the warehouse. We should have it all cleared by end-of-week.

I interviewed two students last week as well. I have another interview tomorrow.


This week is the aforementioned job interview, as well as an iCap interview with someone from Sustainability. Mornings will be loading bikes at the warehouse and most shop hours will be spent teaching the staff more bike skills now that it’s slow.


The numbers:

Visitors: 73

Sales: $430.25
Memberships: 4 for $120
Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $40*
Tires/tubes: 10 for $84

*B-a-B pricing are now itemized to reflect the cost of new parts so TBP can keep better track of stock and sales of new parts. B-a-Bs aren’t cheaper, they’re just recorded as the base price only.



  • Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager