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Projects Updates for Collection and Donation of Abandoned Bicycles
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- Associated Project(s):
How to Reclaim Your Impounded Bike
Associated Project(s):Campus wide email was sent out on how to reclaim someone's impounded bike. Students and faculty who have left their bikes on campus bike racks over the summer have the oppportunity to retrieve their impounded bikes by September 30. The official online email can be found here.
Abandoned Bicycles Inventory Process Update
Associated Project(s):Bicycles marked as abandoned have been collected and stored and as of this morning, July 23, 2024, and have additionally been inventoried and are ready for the next step in the University's yearly Collection and Donation of Abandoned Bicycles Project.
Identification of Abandoned Bicycles Complete
Associated Project(s):As of Thursday June 20th, the remaining abandoned bicycles on campus have been identified and are prepared to be collected by the Parking Department.
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, Apologies for the delay. Pretty uneventful week. I was out at a conference on Thursday and Friday. My staff handled shop hours on Friday without issue. Made some more headway in the abandoned bike pile but also got half dozen or so direct donations as well. So, we’ve got our work cut out for us this week in processing all those.
I spent some time last week turning bars/pulling pedals on the bikes we do have here in an effort to maximize space. We’ll spend staff time this week checking over those bikes, so they can be earmarked for the Build-a-Bike program and be much easier to identify by staff and the untrained eye.
We will be closed tomorrow for Juneteenth and reopen on Friday.
The numbers:
Visitors: 6
Sales: $366.50
Memberships: 1 for $30
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $90
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
Tires/tubes: 17 for $125Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterCollection of Abandoned Bicycle Tagging Complete
Associated Project(s):Last week, interns Myra Stevens and Sepideh Azizi completed the tagging portion of the Collection of Abandoned Bicycles project. The tagging process was completed by Friday, May 31st. Across campus, approximately 908 bicycles were tagged. After June 15th, the collection of bicycles still left tagged will begin.
Weekly Update: Abandoned bikes
Associated Project(s):All, Shortened week with Memorial Day. Otherwise, business as usual. Subpar donations are still trickling in, so we’re able to continue to pass those along to Habitat. Took a week break on the barn bikes but will be ramping that back up this week. I believe the tagging of abandoned bikes on campus has begun, so we’ll likely get calls/emails about that in the coming weeks.
The numbers:
Visitors: 28
Sales: $656
Memberships: 2 for $60
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $365
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
Tires/tubes: 5 for $55
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterWeekly update: Bike donations
Associated Project(s):All, Last week, with the Bike Project, we were able to donate 20 or so bikes to a nonprofit church group that will send the bikes overseas. These were all bikes that would’ve otherwise been in the scrap yard, so it’s less work for us and helps keep more bikes out of the waste stream—a win-win! We continue to donate kids bikes to Habitat for Humanity as we do not have the storage space to keep those until our winter giveaway.
Got a couple more new hires on board and learning the ropes.
This week is business as usual as we try to replenish our sales stock.
The numbers:
Visitors: 28
Sales: $656.00
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $$365
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
Memberships: 2 for $60
Tires/tubes: 5 for $55Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterWeekly Update: Donation, M/W/F hours
Associated Project(s):All, Slow beginning to the week and a furious finish. Friday was busier than we’ve been in weeks, but we were also down some folks as finals were wrapped up for most people. Made progress on the abandoned bike pile. Habitat for Humanity’s bike rodeo has been a godsend, as we’ve been able to unload some kids/teen-sized bikes on to them in good conscience knowing they’ll be going to a similar cause. We’ve donated nearly a dozen bikes from CBC alone and will probably have more. We’ve received 14 direct donations from folks graduating or not using their bike, going back two weeks.
This week we start our summer hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p.
The numbers:
Visitors: 53
Sales: $678.50
Memberships: 4 for $120
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $275
Tires/tubes: 20 for $158
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterWeekly Update: Abandoned bicycles, new staff
Associated Project(s):All, Big news of last week is the abandoned bikes. Bike Project folk and I were able to take an inventory of the bikes that are available and given the number of bikes—fewest in my tenure!—we are not partnering with Working Bikes this year. I communicated as much last week and no hard feelings. If anything, they’re happy to hear we have less bike waste—and they would know, they’ve got a 3 story building full of bikes.
This week we have a couple new staff members starting here. We’ll do some off-hours training with them.
The numbers:
Visitors: 40
Sales: $1,030.50
Memberships: 18 for $540Tires/tubes: 27 for $212
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterUnclaimed abandoned bicycles donated to the Campus Bike Center
Associated Project(s):Following the deadline day to claim impounded bicycles, Sarthak Prasad reached out to Jake Benjamin, campus bike center coordinator, to inform that these bicycles are now considered donated to the Campus Bike Center and the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign. See the email below:
Hi Jake,
The deadline to claim impounded bicycles have passed, so you can start checking the bicycles in the barn now. These bicycles are now considered donated to the Campus Bike Center and the Bike Project. I have the serial number information for almost all of those bicycles in the spreadsheet as well. We had about 240ish bicycles to start with and 24 bicycles were returned this year.
Thank you,
Weekly Update: Busy times, Light the Night, abandoned bikes
Associated Project(s):All, Pretty standard week. Busy with some wait time on stands/repairs most days. Had a Build-a-Bike completed—always a good thing. My team and I did Light the Night on Tuesday at the Ikenberry Quad area. First time in a new location always gets us some looks and questions. Not as busy as we hoped but again, it’s not yet familiar to folks. No word yet on numbers.
We were dangerously overloaded on scrap by Friday, but Todd pick it up over the weekend—always appreciated.
This week I’ll do inventory of the abandoned bikes to see what’s worth keeping. Of note: Easily the fewest abandoned bikes in my tenure. I think my first year there were over 500 bikes left over. Maybe bike shares are really helping that issue (and maybe creating others)?
This week I’ll have two new staffers start. It’s apparently midterms, so reinforcements are paramount.
The numbers:
Visitors: 62
Sales: $1,122.50
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
Memberships: 20 for $600
Tires/tubes: 26 for $192
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterDeadline passed, final number of bicycles returned
Associated Project(s):The period to reclaim impounded bicycles from summer 2023 has now passed. We had impounded about 240 bicycles in the summer and we returned 24 bicycles! That is a 10% reclamation rate, as compared to 5% in 2022. This was the least number of abandoned bicycles impounded ever on campus!
All of the unclaimed bicycles are now considered donated. Sarthak Prasad will reach out to Campus Bike Center to let them know that they can start removing these bicycles. Since there are only about 200 unclaimed bicycles, we may not donate them to Working Bikes this year.
Bike at Illinois Newsletter: September 2023
Associated Project(s):Bike at Illinois Newsletter: September 2023 Thank you for registering your bicycle! There are a few bicycle related events coming up in the Champaign-Urbana area, and we would like to invite you to participate in them!
We, also, want to remind you to collect your bike registration sticker (shield) and attach it to your bicycle, if you have not done so already. There are, currently, eight campus and community Shield pick up locations. You will be required to show the Bike Registration Fee payment confirmation email and identification to collect a shield.
Winners of Bike Registration Raffle will be contacted soon as well!
Upcoming events
Bike to Work Day
Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, September 14, and get a free T-shirt! Welcome stations featuring drinks and snacks will be available from 7 to 10 a.m., at eight university locations. Participants will also be able to interact with other bicyclists and city planners about potential enhancements to the bicycle network and future programming. First-time riders are encouraged to take part and learn more about the C-U bike community.
You must preregister at and bring your bicycle to get this year's shirt (shown). The event will move to September 15, should inclement weather arise.
Light the Night – Free Bike Light Giveaway
The 16th annual Light the Night is Tuesday, September 19, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Alma Mater Plaza, Hallene Gateway, and the Ikenberry Commons Quad. You MUST bring your bike to get a light set. Approximately 1,100 bike light sets will be available. In case of severe weather, the event will be rescheduled for September 21.
Remember, bike lights are required by Illinois law when riding at night. Volunteers are still needed for the event.
Reclaiming an Abandoned Bike
F&S removed almost 230 abandoned bicycles on campus this summer. If you left your bike and want to reclaim it, email and include where it was located, the make/model, color, and serial number, if possible. Bike registration information or other documentation will be needed to prove ownership (e.g., pictures). More information is available at If the bicycle wasn't registered, that step must be completed before retrieving the bike. The deadline to reclaim your bicycle is Friday, September 22, 2023. Any unclaimed bikes will be donated to the Campus Bike Center and the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign to help support bicycle programs and initiatives.
Bike Safety: Always lock your bicycle
For nearly 60 percent of the bike thefts reported in the past year, the stolen bicycle was not locked. Always lock your bicycle to a bike rack to keep it safe. Watch this video on how to properly lock your bicycle. Watch other educational videos created by Bike at Illinois.
Thank you so much for all your support, and learn more about the Bike at Illinois program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Contact us at for any questions.
Two Abandoned Bicycles Retrieved by their owner
Associated Project(s):On 08/18/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh visited the Round Barns to give out two abandoned bicycles to their respective owners who had registered their bicycles.
ISSS newsletter- new academic year! 8/25/23
Associated Project(s):Sarthak sent announcements (to Caitlin Kaparaz) to be added to the ISSS newsletter (publishing on August 25):
- Reclaim Your Abandoned Bike
Every summer, F&S tags and removes all abandoned bikes. If you left your bike and want to reclaim it, email and include where it was located, the make/model, color, and serial number, if possible. Bike registration information or other documentation will be needed to prove ownership (e.g., pictures). Deadline to reclaim your bicycle: Friday, September 22. All unclaimed bicycles will be donated after that date. - Light the Night – Free Bike Light Giveaway
The 16th annual Light the Night is Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Alma Mater Plaza, Hallene Gateway, and Ikenberry Commons Quad. You MUST bring your bike to get a light set. Approximately 1,000 bike light sets will be available this year. Remember, bike lights are required by Illinois law when riding at night. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please sign up here. - Celebrate Bike to Work Day on September 14 and Receive a Free T-Shirt
Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, Sept. 14, and get a free t-shirt! Welcome stations will be set up across the area from 7 – 10 a.m., including eight U of I locations. Celebrate Champaign County Bike to Work Day with others by stopping in for refreshments and snacks. You must bring your bicycle and pre-register at to get the shirt!
Optional announcement
- Register your bicycle
Bicycle registration is mandatory for all bicycles parked or operated on campus and owned by students, staff, faculty, University departments, and community members. There is a one-time $10 registration fee per bicycle. All bicycle registrants will enter a raffle for a chance to win a U-lock or a Helmet. Learn more about the bicycle registration raffle. Contact if you have questions regarding bicycle registration.
- Reclaim Your Abandoned Bike
Digital signage added
Associated Project(s):Two new digital signs were added to campus buildings
- Bike Registration: from 8/21/2023 until 11/20/2023 (
- Abandoned bicycles retrieval: from 8/21/2023 to 9/22/2023 (
Weekly Update: Less abandoned bikes, Kids' Bikes
Associated Project(s):All, Slow visitor-wise, but busy otherwise. Moved almost all the bikes out of the round barn, and the very last of them I’ll get this week. Sounds like we’ll have less bikes from the round up than in years’ past, something I am happy for. Hopefully, it means more people are caring about and actually riding their bikes—a guy can dream! Irrespective of the reason, less bikes means less grunt work, and that’s a huge plus in my book.
We are still up to our ears in kids’ bikes, as the ones we have are not coming together as I’d like. Lots of short-supply parts are needed. I’ll need to dedicate some off-hours time to this as these kinds of projects are not well-suited to student staff/volunteers, apparently.
The numbers:
Visitors: 25
Sales: $890.34
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $535
Memberships: 2 for $60
Tires/tubes: 5 for $50
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorMeeting with University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD)
Associated Project(s):On 07/25/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a meeting with the University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD) regarding:
Meeting Notes-
- Explaining how to use Field Maps and its functions to UIPD
- Citation/ Impound Fee for the abandoned bicycles is regulated by the Parking Department.
- Th retrieval process of the abandoned bikes will begin by Mid September.
- During that period non-registered bikes will be enforced to register their bike along with the impound fee.
- Asked UIPD to complete a feedback form for VEO-Bikes On-Campus (Note: UIPD is concerned with the way people use them in terms of safety and parking)
-To do List for Sarthak:
- Enquire about ESRI ArcGIS and Field Maps unique login credentials and editing privileges for the UIPD
- Send the Login details to UIPD.
- Check Main Quad and Chemistry Annex area for any other remaining abandoned bikes.
Completed the Inventory Documentation and Tracking of Abandoned Bicycles On-Campus
Associated Project(s):On 07/19/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel, Christian and Hrushikesh completed the process of documenting and tracking the Abandoned Bicycles On-Campus located/ stored in the Round Barns facility.