Began the Process of Inventory for the Abandoned Bicycles
On 07/17/2023, Sarthak, Hrushikesh, Christian and Nathaniel started the inventory documentation for the Abandoned Bicycles.
On 07/17/2023, Sarthak, Hrushikesh, Christian and Nathaniel started the inventory documentation for the Abandoned Bicycles.
On 07/14/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh visited the Round Barns facility to get an update on the number of abandoned bikes picked-up by the Parking Department till date. We have identified 300 abandoned bicycles on campus, and they will be transported to the Round Barn by the end of next week. From Monday, 07/17/2023 inventory documentation will begin.
The Parking Department officials have started removing the Abandoned bicycles On-Campus from 07/11/2023.
Hrushikesh, Christian and Nathaniel started identifying the abandoned bikes from 07/05/2023 and completed identifying them on 07/07/2023. The process for removing the abandoned bikes will start from 07/10/2023 onwards.
Hrushikesh Chavan, Nathaniel and Christian started to confirm all the abandoned bicycles on campus. On 07/05/2023 we covered 8 zones out of 22.
In June 2023, F&S tagged all the bicycles on campus with an orange sticker. Following is the data for the number of bicycles tagged:
Total No of Tag sheets - 49
Total tags on per sheet - 20
Total no of bike tags - 970
Attached digital signs was shared with several departments on campus with the following message:
F&S is in the process of removing all abandoned bicycles left on campus over the summer. All bicycles on campus property have been tagged with an orange sticker. If a bicycle still has this sticker by July 5, it will be considered abandoned and subsequently impounded. Bicyclists must remove this tag from their bicycle to keep it active and to avoid impound.
This sign was posted on 6/22/2023 until 7/14/2023 at the following departments:
Met with Brandon, Cody, Chris, Jeremy, and Toby from the Parking department to discuss the Bicycle Roundup project and the timeline. Gave them an overview of the system that we are using (ArcGIS Field Maps) and what to look for in the maps. Informed them that we have started the tagging process and expect to finish tagging all bicycles by June 16, 2023.
News Channel 20 reposted the F&S announcement regarding the summer bicycle roundup on June 13, 2023.
Sarthak Prasad met with Hrushikesh Chavan, a Master of Architecture student, to help with several sustainable transportation projects, including the end of year bicycle round up. Hrushikesh has agreed to volunteer his time to help with the bicycle round up project.
All, We received 8 bike donations directly from graduating students last week—easily a record during my tenure so far. Not sure how the word got out, but it was effective! Of course, I forgot to ask for a few photos for future marketing use, but one person did request a photo with her bike before she donated it.
I also worked with TBP volunteers to move a chunk of bikes out of storage, so we’re making headway on that. But still a good number of bikes left, too, which I’ll continue to work on going forward.
This week we start our summer hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p.
May Newsletter sent out on May 10, 2023.
Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC spring 2023. Watch the meeting recording here:
Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC fall 2022. Watch the meeting recording here:
[11.7.22] All, Last week we completed the bike donation event with Working Bikes. Thanks to some Bike Project volunteers we were able to pack their truck full of bikes in about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, they were unable to take all of the abandoned bikes as there are about 50 left. I’ll work with TBP to deal with the remaining junk bikes as well as the ~200 we’ll keep for refurbishment.
All, While my jury duty service was still in effect, we had reduced hours as needed last week but were able to open fully Wed – Fri. It was the first week of noticeably fewer folks through the doors. As such, we got a few bikes on the sales floor and a dozen or so moved over from storage.
All, Big week of events! On Tuesday, Chuck Marohn of Strong Towns is speaking at the Illinois Terminal and I’ll attend to see how our work as bike advocates and a non-profit can help bolster a strong and vibrant community. And Wednesday is the Illinois Bike Summit at the I-hotel. I’ll be there all day and reducing hours at the Bike Center to account for that. Accordingly, we’ll be open 4 – 6p on that day. I never fail to learn something at this yearly event and am happy to see it back here on campus.
All, Slower times here at the Bike Center (in terms of visitors). We’re almost slow enough that we can reinstate the First Visit Free policy. Not quite there, as we’ll have lulls but pick back up again.
It was discovered that the CBC Google Business hours were not updated when we moved to M – F, which explains why we we’ve been so slow on Tues/Thurs. That has since been corrected so we’ll see if that impacts visit numbers this week.