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Lock Your Bike Right (LYBR) (Ongoing)

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Lock Your Bike Right is a project to increase bicycle safety awareness among students. The idea for this event was developed by AdBuzz students and Sarthak Prasad (at F&S). This event is specifically focused towards students.

We ask students to lock their bikes correctly, take a picture of themselves (have a friend take your picture) locking their bicycles to the bike racks correctly, and send those pictures to us (Bike at Illinois) via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. Only one picture per entrant. Following the event, we will send shout-outs to them via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, and three people will be randomly selected to win prizes.

This event will be held at least once per year (up to two events).


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Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Sarthak Prasad

    Team Members:

    • AdBuzz student team
