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Weekly Update: Winter is coming; Kids' bikes donations

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on November 15, 2021

All, Slowing down a little now that it’s getting legit colder. Visitor numbers held a little longer than expected—maybe hinting at a tectonic shift in our community’s biking habits? I hope so!

Last week I got a count on all the Kids’ Bikes we have at both spaces and started my staff (and volunteers) in on rehabbing the ones we have here at CBC. Once we’re done with those, I’ll move what’s at Urbana over here. We already have around 40 bikes and we haven’t done an honest push for donations yet. I’ll meet with Campus Rec marketing this week to work up a plan for how best to publicize the event.

We’ve got a couple staffers moving on at the end of this week but have 3 new staffers in the hiring process. Coupled with less demand, we’ll be able to train up and onboard our new hires nicely. Winter is always my preferred season for onboarding.

The numbers:

Visitors: 31
Sales: $845.50
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $600
Memberships: 3 for $90
Tires/tubes: 4 for $22


Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Coordinator