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Weekly Update - Word of mouth, Bike donations

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on January 11, 2021

All, Pretty slow around these parts—per usual for this time of year.

A story: A gentleman comes in on Wednesday looking for bikes. We get to talking and he’s volunteered at Working Bikes (the org we give abandoned bikes to) up in Chicago, he knows his way around a wrench. He buys a nice road bike and that was that. An hour later, he brings a friend back; she signs up for a membership. Two days later, same guy is back with another friend; he buys a membership, too. Says they’ll both be back on Monday to work on a bike. Word of mouth really is the best marketing.

This week I’ll still be processing the donations from the kids bike event that were not kids bikes. We got a lot of adult-sized bikes that aren’t worth saving, unfortunately.
The numbers:

Visitors: 11
Sales: $254
Memberships: 2 for $60
Misc: $4


Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager