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Weekly update for Zero Waste

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on July 30, 2017

Hello all,

Here are my updates from last week:

  • Contacted Midwest Fiber, which recently acquired CRI. CRI had quoted a price to provide glass recycling service to the Wounded Vets Center of $36-$48/month, depending on whether one or two 96-gallon toters would be needed. Midwest Fiber wants to do a site visit before giving a revised estimate. I will work this coming week to arrange it. The goal is to have service in place in a couple of weeks so that it is available when the majority of residents move in in August. I will also clarify with Nick that Wounded Vets will need to pay for the service.
  • Continued mapping the outdoor trash bins on campus as part of the project to replace them with dual recycling/trash bins.

Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator