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Projects Updates for Encourage Train Travel for Business Trips

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  1. meeting minutes from Cindy Klein-Banai

    Some suggestions that have come from our Sustainability committee are: Regardless of which route we take, we should update the Business Travel page,, to include something about scheduling inter-campus meetings between UIC and UIS or UIUC to accommodate the Amtrak schedule, perhaps with a table with this information:

  2. Meeting set with OBFS

    Cindy Klein-Banai from UIC reached out to Jim Martinie and Ginger Velazquez at OBFS about train travel. "One recommendation of the Transportation subcommittee falls within the purview of OBFS. It is to modify the University Travel Policy to create incentives to use Amtrak rail.  Doing so would decrease University costs, offer improved safety, and provide environmental benefits in comparison to traveling by automobile.