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  1. DIA & GSA

    That is my vote as well.


    My boss approved the Green Sports Alliance membership as well as a plan for recycling in our tailgate lots.  A couple of “wins” I wanted to share.


    Tim Knox


    Good news


    Morgan White


    Thanks for the update Morgan, DIA involvement in Green Sports Alliance, that is great news!


    Safety & Compliance paid the annual GSA membership fee in October 2022 if needed for reference. If I receive any email reminders from them I will let you know. It would be great if DIA/Tim could also stay in touch when they renew so we know the process is complete.


    Also to recap Daphne, Meredith, Colleen and I had a meeting with GSA rep Brad Vogel in October and they were supposed to get back in touch about their Executive Director speaking with the athletic department contact to help explain opportunities & get them involved. I haven’t heard anything more about this, not sure if others did.

    Thanks again,


  2. Proposal for membership in the Green Sports Alliance

    Gopal Pareek presented a proposal for DIA to join the Green Sports Alliance to Brett Stillwell, with the attached files.  Brett indicated willingness to join and committed to completing the application for a standard membership ($500).