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Projects Updates for Wind Power on Campus

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  1. Wind Turbine Charging Station

    Associated Project(s): 

    This morning, I met with Ben Isabel, the Chief of Staff for State Senator Laura Fine.  Ben is moving forward looking for grant money to fund our project at UIUC.  He is talking to the Department of Transportation which we both think should be interested given the interest of President Biden with more EVs.


    Ben hopes to hear something positive within a week or so.






    Good Morning,

    I am forwarding the message I received over the weekend from George.  Cheri, as you have had discussions with George on moving forward with this, who does he consider to be his campus partner when he refers to “our project at UIUC”  Is this research park?   The original turbine on campus was accepted as a donation through isee, but we (Paul Foote and Frank Colacicco) discussed the condition of the unit, challenges and costs as excessive.   Initially, a SSC application was also submitted and not funded in our efforts.


    As George is working earnestly in securing funding I am concerned if he is accurately communicating a University commitment / partnership.

