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Projects Updates for Energy Conservation and Building Standards (ECBS) SWATeam

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  1. Materials from iWG

    Dear Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam,

    The iCAP Working Group met today, and would like to thank you for your report!

    In the hopes that it will provide some assistance as you formulate your recommendations for the revised iCAP, to be presented at the iCAP Forum on October 22nd, we wanted to provide you with some additional files:

    1) A "template" for the iCAP sections that we ask that you use. This was written using Transportation as an example, but it should be easily adaptable.

  2. FY14 Heating Degree Days and EUI

    The attached file shows the heating degree days for each fiscal year and the Energy Use Intensity.


    Hi Karl,

    Wow!  So the weather does seem to have had a big influence here.  I wonder if there's a way to quantify that?  Could we, for example, break out the BTUs spent on steam from the total BTUs, and then consider two metrics: (1) non-steam EUI, and (2) steam EUI per Heating Degree Day? 

    This might give us better metrics for our performance?

    Thanks so much,

    Ben McCall


    From: Helmink, Karl J

  3. iWG agenda packet

  4. notes from iCAP Forum Energy Conservation table


    Fred Hahn, Doris Reeser, Brian Deal, Claire McConnell, Karl Helmink, Josh Whitson, Dhora Patel, Kevin Duff, Eva Sweeney

    Campus needs a comprehensive Energy Conservation Master Plan.  The SAIC report is now outdated, and the Utilities Master Plan focuses on generation, not conservation.

    It can be difficult to balance energy conservation goals with programmatic needs.  Some examples:
