The Energy SWATeam's meeting in September involved discussions on 2018-2019 recommendations and 2020 iCAP objective ideas.
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Energy Conservation and Building Standards (ECBS) SWATeam (Ongoing)
Recent Project Updates
Dear FY19 SWATeam members, As another academic year is about to begin, we want to first thank you for all of your help moving campus toward the goals outlined in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).
Project Family
Energy iCAP Team
- Energy Conservation and Building Standards (ECBS) SWATeam
- Energy Generation, Purchasing, & Distribution (eGen) SWATeam
- Energy iCAP Team Recommendations Summary
The Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam will focus upon energy conservation opportunities and building standards related to sustainability efforts. This includes LEED requirements.
This team focuses on the 2015 iCAP objectives for Chapter 2, including:
2.1 Maintain or reduce the campus gross square footage relative to the FY10 baseline.
2.2 Identify the highest achievable energy standards for new buildings and major renovations, and incorporate these into the campus facility standards by the end of FY16.
Project Team
Primary Contact:
Sowmiya RajuProject Leader:
Bill RoseTeam Members:
- Yun Kyu Yi
- Karl Helmink
- Dave Boehm
- Andrea Martinez Gonzalez
Primary Theme:
Other Themes: