Waste Transfer Station Tours
Dining Services staff, coordinated by Anthony Brienza on Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Dining Services staff, coordinated by Anthony Brienza on Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Summer zero waste intern tour on Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Group of sustainable design students, led by Karin Hodgin Jones on Wednesday, April 26
Hi Daphne,
Please see my request in the subject line.
2 students researching waste management
Vet med group led by Dr. Gay Miller
The Illinois Club
Led by Patricia Cardenas
2 students and 2 faculty visiting from Birmingham, UK
2 students and 1 staff member
Civil & Environmental Engineering 538: Water Control Process II class, led by research scientist Yalin Li
Civil & Environmental Engineering grad student group, led by Lara Diab
Codie Sterner, Student Sustainability Committee Coordinator
Dr. Michelle Dallmier and Dr. Heidi Lueszler
Parkland Environmental Biology
Molly Black, lab manager at Bevier
Student group coordinated by Laney Nielsen
Civil & Environmental Engineering 538: Water Control Process II class, led by research scientist Yalin Li
Student Sustainability Committee group, led by Hongxu Lu
Dr. Thomas Johnson
Geology 380
For Dr. Hong Lu (individual professor) and a student group coordinated by Aaryaman Patel
For University Housing foreman and supervisors
For Dr. Jamie Jones
Earth, Society, & Environment 360: Environmental Writing
Tour for Parkland College
For student group interested in learning about MRFs.
(Samuel Hurh, student)
Below is an email from Daphne regarding waste/energy tracking at Athletics.
Hi Jen,
Yes! I’m attaching the spreadsheet used to generate the graph, as well as the spreadsheets containing the raw data. I’m cc’ing Shreya in this conversation as she has contributed the most to visualizing the waste and recycling data.