Waste Transfer Station Tours
For Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering 201 & 101 classes with Professor Dr. Daniel Andruczyk.
For Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering 201 & 101 classes with Professor Dr. Daniel Andruczyk.
Attached are the meeting minutes from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 3/26. The agenda is as follows:
Attached are the meeting minutes from the Zero Waste SWATeam on 12/18/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:
Attached are the meeting minutes and chat log of the Zero Waste SWATeam on 12/4/2020.
The following were discussed:
Global recycling of material has been widespread throughout the world for many years as an option for source reduction, excess waste generation and materials diversion from landfills.
These are the meeting minutes of the July 2, 2019 Illinois Climate Action Plan Working Group. Several SWATeam recommendations were assessed in this meeting.
On March 1, 2018, Morgan White, Pete Varney, and Shawn Patterson met with capital planner Trent Beane, a representative of the engineering firm, and a manufacturer’s rep from Dehart Recycling. We discussed the project needs, and the current status of the WTS equipment. Some notable points are listed below:
Spring 2018 semesterly report submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee for the Baler Conceptualization project.
Recommended locations for dual bins for outdoor trash and recycling collection were identifed in February 2018. Locations were indicated on an updated version of the map of the outdoor bin locations that was completed in September 2017.
The existing baler at the Waste Transfer Station cannot handle plastics beyond #1 and #2.
The Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam met to discuss a variety of updates and challenges regarding recycling on campus. The group discussed progress on the rearrangement of outdoor dual bins on the North Quad and standards for the placements of bins inside of buildings. The group also discussed their long-term vision for trash and recycling operations on campus and brainstormed various methods for increasing recycling at the Waste Transfer Station. An update was also given on the status of SmartWay certification on campus.
Locations of outdoor trash bins has been completed.
Content has been drafted for a PowerPoint presentation to encourage the use of separate bins for recyclables and trash. It will emphasize that separation at the point of disposal is more effective than the older system of placing all items in a single bin and will therefore help the campus meet landfill diversion targets. The presentation will be made over the summer to Campus business officers, the Staff HR Advisory Council, and student groups that can talk to other groups.
Following the completion of the iWG Assessment for the PWR006 Expanded Recycling, it was forwarded to F&S.
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on September 25, 2015, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation PWR006 Expanded Recycling. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:
"The iWG enthusiastically supports this recommendation."
See attached the iWG assessment of SWATeam recommendation, PWR006 Expanded Recycling, complete with official comments from all the iWG members.
The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend that the Waste Transfer Station accept all plastics number 1 through 7 to simplify what can be recycled and to better align with what is accepted by the Cities of Champaign and Urbana, The University of Illinois Chicago, Parkland College, students' high schools, and students' homes."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR006 Expanded Recycling complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
Tim Hoss: Our First Green Hero