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Projects Updates for Increase Recycling through the WTS
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- Associated Project(s):
3/26 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:12/18 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:12/4 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting
2019 Recycling Summary
Associated Project(s):Meeting Minutes for iWG Meeting July 2, 2019
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:18F Semesterly Report - Baler Conceptualization
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Video for Coursera of Waste Transfer Station
Associated Project(s):18S Semesterly Report - Baler Conceptualization
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Recommendations for Dual Bin Locations Completed - 02/11/2018
Associated Project(s):SSC funds baler conceptualization study
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:PWR SWATeam Meeting - 11/2/17
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Mapping of outdoor trash bins completed
Associated Project(s):Promotion of source separation
PWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Transmittal
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:PWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Assessment with comments
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:PWR006 Expanded Recycling recommendation - Submittal
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Archived web info - CSE Green Heroes
Associated Project(s):
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