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Sustainable Procurement (Ongoing)


In support of iCAP, University Sourcing has developed the following language for inclusion in  requests for proposals (RFPs). This language describes the University’s commitment to sustainable practices and requests responding vendors to provide a sustainability plan as part of their bidding documentation response. The message is clear: we are committed and expect our potential vendors to share in our vision of sustainable practices. 

“In support of the global sustainability initiative, the State of Illinois has enacted legislation addressing Environmentally Preferable Procurement (30 ILCS 500/45-26).

The University of Illinois has made a formal commitment to sustainability as evidenced by being a signatory of the Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact and the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). The University has also created campus level offices of Sustainability to support the initiative locally.

University Sourcing has a formal Sustainable Purchasing Policy which further articulates the University’s Sustainability Initiative. It is anticipated that vendors desiring to do business with the University share in our sustainable vision by specific and documented actions. As such, these items are requested in the form of a Sustainability Plan to be submitted with this RFP.  Targeted areas for inclusion in the plan would include:

  • Source Reduction
  • Recycled Content and Products
  • Energy and Water Savings
  • Toxic Products and Pollution Prevention

  The responsible and responsive bidder shall provide a detailed narrative in support of these elements including documentation of policy and specific periodic updates detailing progress of the sustainably efforts. Any sustainability/green certification programs which the bidder is engaged in or received recognition for achievement shall be provided as well.”