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IACT - Energy for Service and Source Well Procurement

Posted by Quinn Connolly on December 18, 2023

Good morning, Mike!


Great to hear from you.  Absolutely can provide you with some additional information on both of those procurement pathways:


  1. Sourcewell:



The University is a member of a purchasing co-op which provides pre-negotiated pricing for a variety of solutions – including microgrids – which enables them to purchase directly through Sourcewell without needing to go out to bid.  Please see attached for an example of the Siemens Sourcewell contract offerings and below for the University’s member information:


  1. Energy as a Service:


Siemens could design, develop, own, implement and maintain a turn key energy system allowing the University to avoid capital investment and simply pay a “subscription cost” if you will for all their energy needs for I-ACT.  This would also enable them to stay up to date on new technologies as they come on line.  Please see attached “4-Steps for Integrating EaaS” for additional information.


Again, we would be very happy to get on a call to walk through how to customize either of these offerings to meet their needs in cooperation with the work they are doing with AECOM.


Could be a really exciting collaboration!


I warmly welcome your thoughts.


Thank you and


All the best!




Here is the info I received from Siemend for your review.








Regarding the ongoing discussion of the electrical microgrid design (including PV panels on site) for U20029:IACT the PSC has wondered if UIUC has ever participated in either of this type of programs for procuring such systems by what appears a more design/build method?





Good Afternoon Aaron and Graham,


Can you advise if the attached Sourcewell Contract is one that we can utilize, if not, is there an IPHEC contract that would provide this type service? I tried to research the existing IPHEC vendors.


Thank You






Hi, Maria


The awarded contracts on the flyer all appear to be expired per the Sourcewell website.


#031517-SIE for building technologies

#051017-SIE for EV supplies and equipment

#030817-SIE includes HVAC systems and mechanical


Which contract were you interested in using? We may have something already.


Also, IPHEC must adopt a consortia award first before a member can leverage it.


Thank you




I am not really sure. Morgan or Kevin can you advise on Graham’s question?


Thank You


Hello Graham,


I’m the F&S-CP Project Manager for the U20029: IACT track and fleet building project.  This is an automated and connected track for testing autonomous vehicles and anticipates having renewable energy production from wind turbines and PV panels on the large track site.


The question which launched this email chain was received from the track designers who became aware of the existence to programs such as Sourcewell when discussing the PV design with potential sub designers for that portion of the track design.  I’m afraid I am not familiar enough with the three projects to know for sure but from the thumbnail descriptions perhaps the first one might be most similar to what is involved here, although this project would involve a large system covering both site elements producing renewable energy and only one building.  Their questions were really if the UIUC had interacted with Sourcewell in the past, and if Sourcewell might be an avenue to explore further as part of their design work.


Would it be acceptable to share your contact information with the designers so that they could determine if your program could help provide some of the elements required for the IACT track and fleet building?


Thank you,

