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LED Campus (Ongoing)


The University has delivered on a pledge to become the first major research university to commit to becoming a LED Campus. This essentially means the University has decided to work to make LED technology the major source of lighting. The pledge includes replacing interior and exterior wayfinding fixtures by 2025 and having a majority of all lighting be LED by 2050.

The University will demonstrate a preference for LED lighting, commit to implementing LED lighting throughout campus, reflect these commitments in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP), and encourage research and development to expand the application of LED technology. The University believes following the above initiatives will continue its leadership in becoming a LED Campus.

The LED has a history at the University of Illinois, as alumnus and faculty member Nick Holoynak Jr. demonstrated the first visible LED. Holoynak earned his undergraduate degree and doctorate from the University and serves as a faculty member in the College Engineering.


  1. "Demonstrated preference for LED lighting: At Illinois, the facility standards will clearly state that LED lighting is preferred for all appropriate applications." The Facility Standards specifically prefer LED technology, when it is cost effective.  As of FY15, LED technology is not yet advanced enough for full interior usage across campus.
  2. "Commitment to implement LED lighting throughout campus: Illinois will replace all exterior fixtures and interior wayfinding fixtures by 2025.  By 2050 the majority of all campus lighting will be LED." See LED Exit Signs project for status on interior wayfinding fixtures.  See LED Exterior Lights project for status on exterior LED lighting.  See LED Interior Lights project for status on interior LED lighting.
  3. "LED commitments will be reflected in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP): Illinois’s commitment to LEDs will be included in the current iCAP update, with clear direction for implementation." The 2015 iCAP specifically includes the LED Campus commitment in the Energy Conservation and Building Standards chapter.
  4. "LED technology expansion and adaption using campus facilities: Illinois will encourage research and development to expand the application of LED technology through clinical trials using the campus facilities as a living learning laboratory."  The bi-level lighting project proved successful.  Additional research continues in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.

No description has been provided yet.


  • Proposed July 15, 2012
    Proposed by Jack Dempsey
    Approved October 14, 2012
    Approved by Phyllis Wise


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