Construction is underway. The 3rd and 2nd floors are mostly complete. Unfortunately we’re finding that the sensor coverage is not quite as broad as the spec sheets say, so there’s been a change order for some additional devices.
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TBH Lighting Project (Completed)
Recent Project Updates
The Green revolving loan fund is committed to provide $32,000 of funding for the TBH project. Please add a supplemental account on to the work order to fund up to $32,000 of the bill for the lighting retrofit. The revolving loan account is MY862
Project Family
Associated Collections
Project Team
Primary Contact:
Teresa TousignantProject Leader:
Gaines HallTeam Members:
- Eva Sweeney
- David Chasko
Proposed April 15, 2013Proposed by Teresa TousignantApproved May 3, 2013Approved by Marika NellStarted June 28, 2013Started by Teresa Tousignant
Primary Theme: