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Projects Updates for Rechargeable Battery Recycling

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  1. Archived info - previous program description, replaced August 20, 2017

    Associated Project(s): 

    [Did not preserve the previous version of the first paragraph, to which minor updates were made to indicate that boxes are for a mix of single-use and rechargeable batteries and that participating units must pay Call2Recycle.]

    Call2Recycle accepts all rechargeable batteries that weigh less than 11 pounds, including Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn) and Small Sealed Lead Acid (SSLA/ Pb) batteries. Individual batteries must have their terminals taped or be bagged before being placed in the Call2Recycle  boxes. Leaking batteries are not accepted, and should be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety (217-333-2755).

    To start the program in your office:

    1.         Visit the Call2Recycle website at and join the free rechargeable battery recycling program.  Call2Recycle will follow up with a return phone call to you. When you receive this call, please provide them with the University of Illinois’s Parent ID #78151.

    2.         Call2Recycle will send the collection boxes with UPS shipping labels directly to your building.  When you first start the program, please notify F&S Waste Management at 244-7283.

    3.         When a box is full of individually bagged rechargeable batteries, check to ensure that only acceptable batteries are in the box.

    4.         Write down the box’s UPS tracking number and then place the full box at a UPS pickup location. UPS will pick the box up free of charge at the time of their next scheduled delivery.  UPS will ship the full box of batteries to a metal reclamation center for processing.

    5.         Call2Recycle will automatically send you new empty boxes with UPS shipping labels.

  2. Battery recycling participation instructions updated in iCAP; F&S page updates pending

    Instructions for units that want to provide battery recycling have been updated on the appropriate iCAP Portal pages, with a detail regarding the provision of a "parent ID number" to Call2Recycle still pending. Once that detail has been confirmed, iCAP Portal instructions will be updated again if necessary, and instructions on the F&S page will be updated.

  3. Call2Recycle Program

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S Environmental Compliance will no longer be tracking the total rechargeable battery recycling for campus.  Individual departments can now work directly with Call2Recycle in order to recycle these rechargeable batteries.
