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Projects Updates for Increase Number of Trees
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- Associated Project(s):
Sierra Club article about carbon removal
Budget for Replacement Trees: NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum
Associated Project(s):Jay Hayek is interesting in assessing funds to purchase replacement trees for the NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum at the southwest corned of Race & Windsor from Forest Keeling Nursery. The size and prices are at 3 gallon & 3 gallon CG (conservation grade) trees, and $13-20 each. Jay is looking to purchase 15-20 trees for spring 2022.
Budget for NRES Replacement Trees
Associated Project(s):Jay Hayek reached out to request access to funds to purchase some replacement trees for the NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum at the southwest corner of Race & Windsor. Specifically, Hayek is looking to purchase 37 3 gallon & 3 gallon CG (conservation grade) oak and hickory trees. Price range $13-20/each for the desired size and species. He is wondering if he would be able to buy the trees online using his P-card and then do an internal funds transfer, or if the purchase order route is preferable.