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Projects Updates for Sustainability Art Displays

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  1. Preliminary notes on sustainability art

    Associated Project(s): 

    Emily Dickett, iSEE Sustainabiltiy Intern, compiled the following notes on sustainability and the arts:

    Art and sustainability (

    • Sustainability present in many aspects of everyday life

    • Art is a vehicle of expression

    • Nature is one of the most common things pained

    • Nature is one of the oldest things pained

      • Landscapes in old chinese ink, drawings on ancient egyptian tombs

    • Sustainability and art can increase interest in nature/sustainability

      • Make people question norms

    • New trend of Land Art - communicate sustainability messages through the materials used and their impact on the environment

      • Ex: sculptures out of plastic

      • Promote conversations and change

    How Artists Are Incorporating Sustainability Into Their Work | Yale Sustainability

    • Artwork is interpreted individually, different for each person

    • Sustainability in artwork gives people the chance to think critically about their own roles in climate change

    • Sustainability in artwork can pose an issue in a different way

      • Learn new issues through art

    • Art is symbolic and memorable

      • Make sustainability ideas stick!