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Projects Updates for Campus Instructional Facility: LEED Platinum

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  1. Greywater System in the CIF Feasability Study Paper

    Good afternoon Mr. Sims,


    My name is Juliette Deley and my team, Team 9, recently presented to you as part of our final project for CEE 190, Project Based Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering. Attached to this email is the paper to our feasibility study on implementing a greywater system in the Campus Instructional Facility.


    Again, thank you for taking the time to hear our presentation earlier today,



    Juliette D. 


    Morgan, Jeremy, Katie and Mike,


    I attended freshman level Civil Engineering class project presentations last week. One of the presentations was their study regarding greywater system at CIF. They sent me their report.


    I have not had a chance to review and with this being a freshman level class not sure how much new information for you will be provided, but forwarding to you to let you know that students are interested about utilizing greywater systems on campus.






    Attached Files: