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This site is a repository for summary information about each iCAP project. Each project page includes a project description, contact names, funding details, location map(s), metrics and targets to measure success, current status of the project, and regular updates as projects are discussed, approved, and implemented. The projects are searchable from the search bar in the top right of this screen, or they can be found by browsing through the main categories listed on the left.
News Feed
- The Climate Leadership Award video was completed and is now in the voting stage. At the end of March, we had about 650 votes.
- The Campus Bike Project celebrated its second anniversary with the survey’s Naturally Illinois event.
- Engineering News Record is doing a story on the University of Illinois about green buildings/LEED certification.
- Feasibility Study for an Anaerobic Digester at the Beef and Sheep facility on South Farms has funding approved and will move forward with A/E selection.
Featured Project: Revolving Loan Fund
The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was set up as a funding source for utility conservation projects with less than ten-year payback periods. These can include steam, electricity, chilled water, or water reduction projects, and the savings from utility costs are paid back annually to replenish the fund.
This fund was originally called for in the 2010 iCAP, as the “clean energy fund.” It was established in 2012, with funding from the SSC and the Provost. Within the first year, the President’s Office committed additional funds. According to the RLF Agreement, any grant funds received for RLF projects in campus-funded utility buildings will be allocated entirely to the RLF. Thus, the fund can grow over time. Additionally, the campus agreed to match any additional commitments from the SSC, in the future.