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Allerton Solid Waste Receptacles

Project Description

In accordance with the explicit goals of the Allerton Park Climate Action Plan (apCAP), Allerton Park aims to install an augmented park-wide recycling collection system. The project is a critical component of the larger Solid Waste Diversion Plan, currently under development by Urban Planning Masters student, Tony Herhold. The goal of the project is to provide park visitors and staff with the opportunity to dispose waste in an environmentally sound, sustainable manner. By providing receptacles for the multiple waste streams accounted for in the park waste audits performed in the fall of 2014 and spring of 2015 alongside new waste collection protocols, park staff will now be able to recycle or compost waste that would otherwise be directed to the landfill. Allerton seeks funding for nine Super Sorter receptacles form Busch Systems, based in Canada. The four-stream receptacles are built from 66-99% recycled plastic materials and are themselves 100% recyclable. The remaining funding will go toward purchasing indoor receptacles for various office locations throughout the park as well as signage for the receptacles. The goal of the project will be to make it as easy, or easier, to recycle waste than it is to throw it into the landfill waste receptacle.
Clear signage signaling what types of waste should be deposited into the specific receptacles as well as deterrent signage (e.g. "LANDFILL WASTE" on trash cans instead of the typical 'Waste") will help to deter improper waste disposal.

The project calls for clear, concise signage and information pamphlets/posters on and around the waste stations. The goal is to make it as easy, or easier, to recycle than to dispose of trash in a landfill waste receptacle (which will still be available), and with access to an array of receptacles for new waste streams, park visitors and staff should have no issues.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2015 Allocated $10,000.00 5/11/2015 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2015
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Tony Herhold (

Financial Advisor:

Tim Tracy (

Team Members:

  • Tony Herhold
  • Derek Peterson
  • Brian Deal

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee