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Campus Community Garden: Fostering Sustainable Food Production and Undergraduate Learning

Project Description

Community gardens on a university campus can provide many environmental, educational, cultural, and social functions. As a form of local, urban food production, a community garden on campus will contribute to a closed-loop cycle of food production, consumption, and waste recycling. While on-campus food production has increased in recent years with the support of the Student Sustainability Committee (e.g., Sustainable Student Farm and the Woody Perennial Polyculture Project), a campus community garden will complement these other local food initiatives on campus because of the unique hands-on learning opportunities it will provide for undergraduate students. Our objective is to design, build, and operate an undergraduate student-managed community food garden on campus to provide students with outdoor classroom experiences, internships, and hands-on production opportunities in the emerging field of 
sustainable urban food production. The Campus Community Garden (CCG) will be designed by students, built, and planted in the spring of 2014 on the grounds of the University of Illinois Turf Farm. 

The CCG will look and feel like a typical allottment-style community garden, but the management of the garden will be focused on undergraduate learning opportunities. To this end, half of the individual garden plots (24 raised beds) will be made available to students for independent gardening activities and experimentation. The other 24 raised bed garden plots will be used for teaching, demonstration, and outreach on urban agriculture, and will serve as important examples of successful production methods for student gardeners. Similar CCGs already exist at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN; http:/ / and Westminster College (Salt Lake City, U1) and this project will provide opportunities for UIUC undergraduate students to collaborate with students at these other institutions to examine questions of regional and national importance. The CCG will collaborate with the Sustainable StudentFarm (SSF) to pool labor resources and market food to Dining Services.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2014 Allocated $51,530.00 4/4/2014 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2014
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Sam Wortman (

Financial Advisor:

Anna Tammen (

Team Members:

  • Sarah Lovell
  • Zack Grant

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee