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Demonstration of Enerdrape Thermal Energy Exchange System in Steam Tunnel

Project Description

The UIUC campus would be a demonstration site for a new geothermal energy technology that taps waste heat from underground infrastructure to heat adjacent buildings. This modular, scalable and easy-to-install geothermal heat exchange panel technology developed by Enerdrape ( would be evaluated to capture and reuse waste heat from a steam tunnel (at the Abbott Power Plant) that would be an additional source of thermal energy.

The project will be located at the Steam Tunnel at the Abbott Power Plant. We have been in communication with Mike Larson (Director of Utilities Production, Facilities, and Services (F&S), who has given us permission for the installation of the geothermal panels and the safety parameters that need to be considered during installation and implementation.

The partnership between F&S and Enerdrape in this demonstration holds great potential. If successful, this technology could be used to mitigate the release of waste heat from other steam tunnels across campus. This collaboration allows F&S to leverage performance data being collected by Enerdrape, potentially leading to future contracts. For Enerdrape, this is an opportunity to further test the technology under real-world conditions and gain exposure in the marketplace.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2023 Allocated $50,000.00 5/5/2023 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2023
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

Associated iCAP Objective(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Aman Mehta (

Financial Advisor:

Karen Hartman (

Project Advisor:

Andrew Stumpf (

Team Members:

  • Blake Johnson
  • Mike Larson

Project Scope Change

Project Semester Report

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee