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Energy Farm LED Lighting and Occupancy Sensor Upgrade

Project Description

In 2010, grant funding from the Energy Biosciences Institute established buildings that support the research, education, and operations of the Energy Farm. This facility is utilized by students and researchers in biofuel and sustainability research. HD lighting in the main high bay work area has been measured to be well below minimum standards for a safe and efficient work space. This request would upgrade fixtures from HID to LED and also install occupancy sensors in work spaces that are observed to remain lit well after activities has concluded by the occupant. Students are an integral part of the daily research and operations at the Energy Farm. These lighting upgrades will provide a well-lit workspace that meets minimum OHSA light levels for a safe and efficient work experience. ACES student safety intern will work with the Energy Farm staff to document pre and post upgrade lighting, providing real life project experience. The sustainability impacts include the lower energy consumption while maintaining acceptable light levels for safe and efficient use of the space. Also, the elimination of HID light fixtures that contain mercury. Lastly, this project supports the iCAP goals by decreasing building energy consumption. 

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Funding Details

Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) - 302571
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $4,405.50 12/16/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Timothy Mies (

Financial Advisor:

Anna Tammen (

Team Members:

  • Tim Mies
  • Daniel Gaither

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee