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- EV Car Charging Pilot Study
EV Car Charging Pilot Study
Project Description
This plan would expand the number of level 2 elecrtric vehicle chargers on campus to promote the utilization of more electric vehicles. The beautiful thing about this project is that it can be applied in many levels of expansion, potentially starting with one or two chargers in parking garages or lots with high throughput of cars. Data about use, energy usage, and carbon savings can be analyzed and used to warrant further installation of chargers around campus. This team's idea is to install J1772 port chargers for level 2, which can be used on the most types of cars. There is a large range for our required funding, as a limited amount of chargers (1-2) can be installed initially, or as many as desired (2-20) can be installed later on. Increasing the number of EV chargers can vastly enhance the sustainability of the campus by providing a source of power for zero-emissions vehicles. Not only will this make charging electric cars more convenient for people who own them, but it can encourage the adoption of the new technology by new people by presenting the University of Illinois as a campus that supports clean and sustainable technology. This will support the campus's vision to find energy solutions for an increasing world population while ensuring a safe and sustainable environment. The project is also very expandable, meaning the more chargers could be purchased and installed if the first becomes highly sought out.
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Funding Details
SSC Basic Info
SSC Project Team
Project Lead:
Financial Advisor:
Team Members:
- Ari Krause
- Adam Hijazi
- Christopher Guida