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Green Allerton/Alternative Energy
Project Description
The goal of this project is to replace a natural gas heating system at Allerton Park with an Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler System. This replacement will eliminate considerable CO2 emissions from the current system and result in substantial cost savings. The use of a renewable resource (wood) in place of a non-renewable one (natural gas), combined with the greenhouse gas emissions reduction will help increase campus sustainability, thus the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $25,500.Green Allerton/Alternative energy. Green Allerton/Alternative energy. This project’s goal is to bring together University faculty, Park staff and a student scholar to investigate and generate a viable alternative energy heating system solution for
several park buildings at the Park. These four buildings are heated using natural gas in units that are 25-50 years.
The objectives of the project are to research, design and install a new alternative energy heating system in these structures, which utilizes both the Park’s human ingenuity and renewable natural resources. The alternative energy heating unit we are proposing to install is an Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler (OWB). The student scholar will be researching the appropriate size and EPA certified OWB. In a winter heating season these buildings use over 13,500 therms in natural gas2. The OWB would need to meet similar heating values. In addition the student will be responsible for: selection of the best location to site the OWB, the appropriate smoke stack height for best dispersal of smoke to reduce potential hazards to staff and visitors and specifications for the installation of the boiler, water pipes and storage structure.
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Funding Details

SSC Basic Info
Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)
SSC Project Team
Project Lead:
Team Members:
- Jim Gortner