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At-home Edible Gardening Education Program

Project Description

Grow2Give is developing an at-home edible gardening education program in which participants will have opportunities to attend and engage in educational workshops designed to begin new or accelerate existing participant journeys to sustainably growing their own food. The program will be made available to Grow2Give student members, non-member students, and Champaign-Urbana community members. This program will collaborate with faculty and staff of the University of Illinois, as well as other environmentally focused registered student organizations. Grow2Give hopes that participants will leave with a new wealth of knowledge, feeling supported, and excited to make a difference in the UIUC community. Within the At-Home Edible Gardening Education Program, participants can attend three workshops throughout AY22-23. The Microgreens Workshop (Nov. 7th)  participants will receive a hemp growing mat, seeds, and a container upon request (encouraged to bring their own to reduce environmental impact). This workshop will be led in conjunction with Dr. Jennifer Nelson, UIUC instructor and horticulturist. They will learn how to start microgreens in a non-conventional growing medium and how to harvest. The At-Home Gardening Workshop (February 6th) participants will receive a self-watering window gardening container and their choice of seeds. They will be guided through the planting process and learn what to expect when gardening indoors, as well as how to harvest. Additionally, vermiCUlture, another environmental RSO, will partner with Grow2Give on this event to include vermicomposting education and tutorials. The Sprouts Workshop (Apr. 3rd) participants will receive a sprouting jar and lid and learn how to grow sprouts through hydroponics.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2022 $1,765.00 10/17/2022 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2022
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Food and Waste

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Sydney Curts (

Financial Advisor:

Matt Turino (

Project Advisor:

Matt Turino (

Team Members:

  • Joey Hartz
  • Steven Adamson
  • Colin Dobson
  • Holly Hahn

Project Award Letter

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee