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Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment

Project Description

Near campus exists an under-utilized living laboratory that could contribute significantly to student education and improve campus sustainability initiatives. The 13-acre prairie experiment was established in 2018 with funding from a USDA grant. Across 96 plots, the project was designed to examine interactions between soil, microbes, prairie plants, Agrochemicals, and bees with the goal of identifying best prairie restoration practices for habitat adjacent to crops. As an extension of this, this team is proposing to have students lead efforts to track ecosystem services within the plots including carbon sequestration in plants and soils. This program allows for a more diverse group of students to participate in research with supervised guidance by the research technicians that oversee the project. Students will lead insect, soil, and plant sampling initiatives that will exposes them to ecological and plant research techniques. At the end of this project, the team will have valuable data on carbon sequestered across treatments, other ecosystems services within the plots, and recommendations for future campus prairie plantings. 

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Funding Details

Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) - 302571
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $28,500.00 12/8/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Fall
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Land, Air, and Water

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Alexandra Harmon-Threatt (

Financial Advisor:

Penny Broga (

Team Members:

  • Alexandra Harmon-Threatt
  • Anthony Yannarell

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee