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Project Description

InSPIRE, short for the Institute for Solar-Photovoltaic Innovation Research and Edu-training, is an RSO that is dedicated to teaching the new generation of students about solar and renewable energy in hopes of making a brighter future. Late spring 2017, the InSPIRE RSO decided on creating a cell phone charging station for public use and started brainstorming ideas. At first the station was a simple standing structure with lockers and usb ports where one can insert their phone for charging. A draft of this initial design still remains in the InSPIRE stored files.

The desired outcome of the project will be an outdoors picnic table solar charging station that can provide students a place to sit and study while charging their laptops, cell phones, tablets as well as any other mobile devices. To accomplish this, the current design is to retrofit an outdoors commercial picnic table with a solar panel energy system, a metal pole, an electrical box and weatherproof power outlets. Resting on top of the pole is a solar panel. From this panel, thick cables will run through the pole, and into a weather proof metal box (under the table) which will contain almost all primary components of the Solar Energy system. More cables will leave the box and connect to power outlets and USB ports (on top of the table). From where people/students can safely plug in their devices.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2018 Allocated $5,800.00 4/6/2018 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2018
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Justin Habana (

Team Members:

  • Tabare Torres
  • Justin Habana
  • Christopher Wong
  • Austin Zahm
  • Richard Huber
  • Didrick Manahan

Project Application

Project Award Letter

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee