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Native Prairie Planting (2012)

Project Description

Last year, the Sustainable Planting Committee of Students for Environmental Concerns, partnered with Red Bison, planted thousands of native prairie plants in several locations. This process included locating seed, planting these into greenhouse trays, transplanting into larger individual pots, and ultimately, placing these seedlings in two prairie plots on Campus, and several plots in Allerton Park. This team found the methods to be largely successful, and are working to perfect these processes. This team would like to use this funding to hire two student interns for the spring semester, as well as provide the means to cultivate more prairie seedlings, and transplant them into the prairie sites. As the flagship University of the Prairie State, the University of Illinois is in a unique position to lead efforts in prairie restoration.  Over the past years, interest in prairie restoration has grown on campus, and this team now has several prairies in the campus area.  Benefits include aesthetic appeal, and providing an educational opportunity for an ecosystem that has almost ceased to exist.  The UIUC campus can provide ecological refuge for the many insect and plant species that have been removed from the vast majority of the state. This group has been working to improve prairie restoration to ensure that these sites will continue to be productive natural prairies. This project will also provide a career building opportunity for two interns, who will be involved in the labor, as well as planning of the semester.                    

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2012 Allocated $4,806.00 12/12/2012 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2012
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Land, Air, and Water

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Nathaniel Lawrence (

Financial Advisor:

John Marlin (

Team Members:

  • Nathaniel Lawrence
  • John Marlin

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee