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SECS Re_Home Landscaping

Project Description

The Re_Home, developed by students and faculty here at the University of Illinois to compete in the 2011 Solar Decathlon, will now be permanently located on campus and for this reason, a landscaping and beautification plan is currently under development. In maintaining "sustainability ideology', the landscaping plans for this project are geared toward sustainability with the use of native, low maintenance plants as well as vegetables, edible herbs, and fruit trees. The Re_Home is an exemplary embodiment of sustainability and acts as a showcase in sustainability education with target audiences not only including students of the University of Illinois and of education centers within the Urbana-Champaign region, but students and tourists at a national and even global scale as well.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2014 Allocated $4,008.00 5/6/2014 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2014
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Brandon Giannoni (

Financial Advisor:

Dr. Xinlei Wang (

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee