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Temple Buell Hall Lighting Project

Project Description

Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (TBH) was built in 1996 and is home to the Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning departments. The 73,000 square foot building was designed so that most classroom, studio, and office spaces have natural light available during the day. However, no automatic lighting controls were specified or installed in the building. This has two energy-wasting effects. First, many lights are on during the day when natural light would suffice. Secondly, many lights are left on during both day and night when spaces are unoccupied. To encourage awareness of energy use among design students and faculty, and to reduce lighting and cooling energy use in the building, this team will install occupancy, daylight sensors, and lighting timers in appropriate places within the building.

By reducing lighting waste in classrooms, public areas, restrooms, and service spaces, electric use for lighting will be reduced by approximately 30% in the controlled areas. The energy required to cool the building in the summer will also be lowered slightly, by reducing the amount of waste heat generated by lighting. The total electric use in TBH has dramatically increased in the last three years, possibly due to increased plug loads or inefficiencies in the HV AC fan and pump systems. TBH now uses around 1. 7 million kWh of electricity annually at a cost to the University of more than $130,000

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2013 Allocated $62,900.00 4/24/2013 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2013
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Teresa Tousignant (

Financial Advisor:

Professor Gaines Hall (

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee