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Zero Waste Coordination
Project Description
This is a multi-pronged project with four areas of focus, all working toward the eventual goal ofbeing a Zero Waste Campus.The largest portion of funding is going to add new recycling bins to areas north and east of the Main Quad as an expansion of the dual-bin recycling system currently used. The Main Quad bins have been very successful and this is a timely and needed expansion.
Over the last few years, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) has been conducting waste audits of certain campus buildings such as the Swanlund Administration Building and the Business Instructional Facility. The second part of this proposal is supporting building-specific solutions for each of the eight buildings that were audited. Staff from ISTC will work with building stakeholders to identify how to reduce their waste, then implement the new measures.
Several other new waste streams, such as nitrile gloves and Styrofoam, have been added to campus's waste diversion efforts recently. The third part of this proposal will employ student employees to conduct campuswide outreach with buildings on campus to improve participation in these new initiatives.
Finally, a small amount of money is being set aside for education and outreach to the campus community regarding zero waste efforts. This will largely occur via social media advertisements and digital signage, and will be developed in conjunction with SSC's own subcommittee for marketing.
This proposal directly funds:
1. New recycling bins to the north and the east of the Main Quad
2. Marketing and publicity for recycling initiatives
3. Staff time and resources to identify and reduce existing and new waste streams
No description has been provided yet.
Funding Details
SSC Basic Info
SSC Project Team
Project Lead:
Financial Advisor:
Team Members:
- Bart Bartels
- Ryan Welch