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Metric: Pedestrian Counts at Armory and Sixth

This is an Eco-Counter ped/bicycle counter. Eco-Visio provides this data. Includes the data from counters on both North and South side of the intersection of Armory Ave & Sixth St

Metric Chart

Pedestrian Counts at Armory and Sixth


  • Apr 22:

    The Eco-Counter was installed and activated on April 27, 2022


Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
146,429.00 Apr 30 2024 Myra Stevens
109,431.00 Mar 31 2024 Myra Stevens
155,569.00 Feb 29 2024 Myra Stevens
82,500.00 Jan 31 2024 Myra Stevens
52,931.00 Dec 31 2023 Myra Stevens
126,465.00 Nov 30 2023 Myra Stevens
176,946.00 Oct 31 2023 Sam Wuebbles
161,118.00 Sep 30 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
97,302.00 Aug 31 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
16,200.00 Jul 31 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
19,063.00 Jun 30 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
47,085.00 May 31 2023 Sarthak Prasad
124,961.00 Apr 30 2023 Sarthak Prasad
105,572.00 Mar 31 2023 Sarthak Prasad
126,434.00 Feb 28 2023 Sarthak Prasad
78,020.00 Jan 31 2023 Sarthak Prasad
52,564.00 Dec 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
110,699.00 Nov 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
167,517.00 Oct 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
163,948.00 Sep 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
88,917.00 Aug 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
9,159.00 Jul 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
13,923.00 Jun 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
41,777.00 May 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
18,600.00 Apr 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad

The Eco-Counter was installed and activated on April 27, 2022


No targets have been entered for this metric yet.