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Campus Honors House

1205 W Oregon Street
61801 Urbana , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Ecosystem Research Grants

EPA funds ecosystems research grants to protect ecosystems and the air and water resources that provide numerous benefits for humans and other living things.

Office of behavioral and social sciences research

The missions of the office is to Enhance the impact of health-related behavioral and social sciences research, coordinate behavioral and social sciences research conducted or supported by the NIH, integrate these sciences within the larger NIH research enterprise,  and Communicate health-related behavioral and social sciences research findings to various stakeholders within and outside the federal government

Coping with Drought in Support of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

This program is focused on advancing NIDIS regional drought early warning systems through a better understanding of how to better provide early warning through enhanced language, metrics and joint decision spaces (e.g., calendars, etc.).

Fish and Wildlife Service

The US Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.


Resilient Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate Challenge

This program funds research attempting to understand the interaction between climate variability and agricultural production systems to develop the plants, animals and management systems that will be robust and productive under changing environmental conditions while  providing the important ecosystem services needed from these lands. 

Dimensions of Biodiversity

The goal of the Dimensions of Biodiversity campaign is to transform, by 2020, how we describe and understand the scope and role of life on Earth. Successful proposals pursue an integrated approach to understand the interactions and feedback among genetic, phylogenetic and functional dimensions of biodiversity.

Campus Honors House

The yard of the Campus Honors House was transformed into a beautiful landscape of native plants, with the efforts of a dedicated student. Native plants on campus have become an interest of several students and community members. With their dedication, the use of native plants continues to spread on campus.

Project Updates

  • 2/2/2021

           Try out citizen science in your own backyard! Melody Arnold, President of the Macon Co. chapter of the Audubon Society, will describe the annual Great Backyard Bird Count, happening February 12-15 this year.