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Meeting recap: Vet Med Rain Garden

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on July 26, 2019

Good Afternoon,

Thank you to everyone who came to our meeting yesterday. I am happy that we are going to get started! Here is a quick recap:

  • Our plan for this early stage is simply weeding the area as much as we can. Anything that is not listed as part of the original seed mix or as serving a purpose can be pulled out.
  • Special attention should be paid to tree saplings you spot. I told Brent about this and he said he would send Grounds over to specifically herbicide the trees. In the meantime, we can try to pull these out after rain showers to make things easier. 
  • I plan on updating the plant identification sheet I sent out and hopefully we can get a laminated copy to place near the rain garden for anyone who is out there. I know the first sheet was a bit hard to read, so until I get the new one with pictures figured out, I have attached a simple list of what should be there and some examples of what shouldn't be there (if you see something out there that is not on the list, feel free to weed it) 
  • Most of you said that you'd just go out during your lunch breaks to weed a bit throughout the week, that works for me. I know most you know each other in some form or another so if you'd like set up some sort of schedule feel free, I'll leave that up to you all.
  • As the weeds get pulled out we will start to see how much space we have to put in plugs. We might even be able to get gallon plugs to put in late Fall or Spring that will have a better chance of staying alive. 
  • When the school year starts I think it would be great to see if we could get some more volunteers and set up some day where bunch of us go out and do some work at the same time and make an event out of it. More info on that to come.  

Thanks again for everyone's help! If you have any questions or comments related to what I stated in this email or just in general feel free to email me.


All my best,

Vince Vet Med Rain Garden Plant Identifier Doc