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Vet Med Rain Garden (Completed)

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Before 2016, the area near the College of Veterinary Medicine was often a victim of flooding. Beginning in May of that year and reaching completion in August, construction of the rain garden reduced the concern of flooding. Prairie Restoration, Inc. provided planting and initial watering. Although not as many of the seeds established themselves as expected due to heavy rain, the garden has been successful in preventing flooding. A surface incline leads to the garden, whose soil allows for the infiltration of rainwater. A seed mixture suitable for wet areas was ordered from Cardno Native Plants Nursery, containing plants such as common oat, annual rye, and other grasses, sedges, and native wildflowers.

Excess water exits through a drainage pipe. Because drainage ditches lead from the Vet Med to the South Farms, used both for agriculture and research, the importance of flood control to keep excess water and pollutants from flowing out of the Vet Med parking lot is well-emphasized.


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Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Roland White

    Team Members:

    • Gary Schweighart
