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Low-cost Inspection and Sustainable Repair of Campus Pavements (In Progress)


According to the U20069: Pavement Analysis Study 2020ofUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [1], out of the total pavement network(2.8 million ft2), nearly 33%(0.9 million ft2) of the campus pavements requires intervention and are in poor, very poor, serious or failed condition.This project has two principal goals: 1) low-cost inspection of campus pavements using student smartphones and drones, and 2) development of sustainable sealants to repair the identified sections of interest. Achieving these two goals would enable the campus students to be active members and caretakers of the campus infrastructure and result in long-lasting, sustainable pavements.


On the UIUC campus, the total pavement network is approximately 1.2 million ft2. Monitoring this pavement network is commonly done through condition assessments in order to maintain their sustainability and structural integrity [2]. It has been proven that early detection of cracks is needed for essential maintenance tasks. However, the traditional inspection techniques require experienced field personnel to classify the cracking, which comes at a cost. Furthermore, the inspection quality is primarily controlled by how the field personnel are trained [3], [4]. Therefore, there is potential in having pavements inspected using robust, low-cost smartphone and drone-based imaging techniques independent of the skills of the operator. Secondly, frequent repairs of these pavements are not sustainable from cost and environmental point of view and hence durable sealants need to be prepared for long-term sustainability.

Project’s deliverables:

  1. New, faster and cheaper technology based on the smartphone and drone imaging for cracks that can be done via involving the campus students
  2. New sustainable and durable sealant for the rapid repair of the pavement cracks

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Prof. Nishant Garg

    Project Leader:

    Prof. Nishant Garg

    Team Members:

    • Dr. Hamza Samouh
    • Hossein Kabir
    • Sarthak Prasad
    • Ryan Welch
    • Morgan White
    • Stacey DeLorenzo
