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Don't Waste Campaign - University of Illinois + Coca-Cola Meeting

Posted by Quinn Connolly on September 28, 2022

Below is an email from Jake Slager regarding a recurring meeting with UIUC and Coca Cola on sustainability topics.

Attached are graphics discussed in the meeting.


Hi everyone,


Attached are the files reviewed on this week’s call:

  • MBS best in class recycling messaging and zero waste event criteria
  • Updated “Don’t Waste” Campaign Logos lo res files for review/feedback


Recap from today’s call with full details are below in red to answer recent questions:

  • Proposals for zero waste athletic events: we are interested in hearing about what has and hasn't worked for other universities. Will we hear about proposals this week or the next?
    • Shared again that consistency around sustainability messaging is key, engaging student groups, service hour opportunities with passionate groups to educate, amplify, and execute the event could be next best steps to understand scope and timing
      • To go through all items, cost can be $20k-$30k to get everything captured/sorted-so checking what’s most feasible to execute a zero waste event that’s impactful but realistic too so we’re all able to learn from greatly overall
      • Athletics support needed: Jennifer checking with Athletics Board/DIA personnel meeting, Jake to discuss with Marty further too
  • Updated materials for the new "Don't Waste" logo
    • Attached low res updates for review and discussion today
    • Coca-Cola North America will update graphics and bins with only the 1 time cost to U of I since this tag line/messaging changed due to trademark on Don’t Waste It
      • Context provided that original slogan was ok/approved for last 18 months until recently it was caught trademark filed-using Don’t Waste on campus moving forward which is clear
  • Revised drawing/rendering of the picnic tables
    • Attached-please continue to update Coke on campus mapping approval/feedback and timing to understand if and when these are able to be placed (could push back past Nov 15 America Recycles Day of UIUC needs more time to implement)
    • Also see all answers on questions for these tables too

Solar Table questions/answers:

  • What is the maintenance cost moving forward? (i.e. if a solar panel breaks, or if a charging station stops working and needs service/repair, how does that work or who covers the cost to fix?)
    • Battery life expectation? Maintenance for battery recycling/repair over long term question came up too..
    • There is a maintenance plan that we could offer, or we could pay an hourly rate for repairs. Brette is working to get an understanding of what other users typically need, but right now there is no budget for repairs or maintenance.
  • Graphics co-branded preferred-but should something change in future years-are they allowed to brand them differently 
    • Looking into this, but gut-check says it probably wouldn’t be a problem if they’re being wrapped.
  • Is there a way to permanently attach them to the ground? 
    • Seats look attached to table, but curious if there’s any ‘live’ pictures of an open box for more detailed information vs the rendering slides
    • Tables can be bolted down - as stated before we need to rely on the universities to do this given their property.
  • Are there lights anywhere? 
    • Black table on campus at night/safety first concern and curios if lights under the canopy or anything exist or are able to be added/included over time
    • Tables will have an LED under the umbrella
  • Refreshed annual timeline for the "Don't Waste" campaign: we are interested in hearing about the ideas Coca-Cola has for “Don't Waste” initiatives throughout the academic year.
    • Working to provide this timeline and build out strategic initiatives with agency to share back with U of I Sustainability team, YAH agency still working on details
  • Clarification on the new "Don't Waste" bins: will Coca-Cola be replacing the old bins with the updated colors? Are there any plans with providing bins to athletics?
    • Yes, the Coca-Cola Company will replace these and take care of the cost (U of I cost 1 time only)
    • We can provide bins to athletics: will need to talk through further on more permanent fixture options together- and would need to be mutually agreed upon and keep with consistent messaging across campus; including athletics approval similar to solar table being placed on campus per board approval
  • Waste audit: there will be an internal meeting for this on 9-30-22, and we are looking to determine a quote. UIUC will then circle back with Coca-Cola about our plans and timeline.
    • Circular solutions can help get a quote together-requested-will keep you posted on timing and other information needed-will share more details as they become available


  • Also, we discussed that it may be most beneficial and to be cognizant of everyone’s time, that we look to move the overall call with everyone to monthly or quarterly, and then still have a weekly or bi-weekly appointment with Sustainability committee leaders that can help identify/work together on specifics and then summarize it to the full group and loop in folks as needed (i.e. zero waste event, recycling audit request, etc).


Please reach out for anything else needed and appreciate the continued collaboration!


Go Fighting Illini Football tonight, I-L-L!!!