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Enhancing Ecosystem Services in the Southern Arboretum Woodlands: Habitat Improvement and Reusing Lumber

Project Description

The goal of the project is to create a diverse mosaic of mesic woodland and savanna communities in the Southern Arboretum Woodlands (SAW) through targeted transformation of the current block-like arrangement of similar aged trees originally planted as a research plantation.  A 12-acre tract in the SAW encompassing moderately well drained Catlin soil and suitable for mesic native species has been selected for this project (Figures 1 & 2). A detailed inventory of the trees within the tract will be undertaken to identify (i) trees suitable for producing high quality lumber, (ii) trees to remain as ‘nurses’ to provide canopy protection for establishment of native trees and (iii) standing dead wood trees and logs to remain to promote habitat diversity for animals, plants and microorganisms. A similar inventory will be conducted in the Illini Forest Plantations. This team will use the SAW list of native trees and under-story species developed by Iris Lee and reviewed by Emeritus Professors Ken Robertson and John Taft for selection of suitable species from the mesic category for planting

Desired outcomes include: 

  • Establishment of species rich mosaics of savanna and woodland communities with complex structure providing an array of habitats/niches for organisms (fungi,…..small mammals) that enhance ecosystem services. 

  • Aesthetic improvement of the existing plantation landscape by creating more diverse and architecturally complex structure through irregularly shaped woodland/savanna mosaics. 

  • Sustainable re-use of harvested wood for production of lumber for departmental, college, and campus construction projects and reuse of woody debris for mulching projects. 

  • Opportunities for students to engage in the process of targeted landscape transformation and learn skills related to land management and production of lumber grade wood products. 

  • Establishment of an outdoor laboratory that is used by a broad cross-section of campus departments and other approved groups. 

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $113,066.00 5/1/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Land, Air, and Water

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Kevin McSweeney (

Financial Advisor:

Kelly Sullan (

Team Members:

  • Kevin McSweeney
  • Jay Hayek
  • Noah Campbell

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee