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Project 4 Less

Project Description

Project 4 Less works to solve both the waste and the want by diverting food from landfills into a food pantry. Each Wednesday evening, 4-5 Project 4 Less volunteers package pre-served food (trays of surplus food that have been prepared but not served) at Ikenberry Dining Hall. On a weekly basis, our operations divert about 260 meals from the landfill to Wesley Food Pantry. At the time of writing, Project 4 Less is the only RSO on campus to engage in food recovery in the student dining hall.

This team is currently in the process of expanding our program to include another packaging night each week in partnership with Daily Bread Soup Kitchen in the spring semester, doubling the amount of saved meals. In the next twelve months, either in the upcoming spring or fall semester, we plan on solidifying our partnership with University Place Christian Church (UniPlace) to add a third packaging night as well. As we increase our financial resources, we envision our project connecting with more dining halls and food pantries, with multiple food packaging nights taking place each week

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2019 Allocated $5,017.00 12/13/2019 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2019
Semester: Fall
Status: Active
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Tara Entezar (

Financial Advisor:

Keith Garrett (

Project Advisor:

Keith Garrett (

Team Members:

  • Rachel Scott
  • Cameron Kleen
  • Tara Entezar
  • Melissa Manetsch

Project Application

Project Award Letter

Project Scope Change

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee