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Animal numbers for FY22 and FY23

Posted by Quinn Connolly on September 25, 2023

Hi Jonathan,


We will be doing our annual reporting of GHG emissions for campus and need to report numbers of animals on the last days of FY22 and FY 23. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you.






I recall doing this in the past but cannot seem to find the spreadsheet that I have submitted.  Do you happen to have a past copy?  Do you want this reported in official animal-unit-equivalent or the actual number of heads counted?


Hi Jonathan,


From what I can find in the SIMAP documentation, we need heads counted. If you know the conversion factors for animal-unit-equivalent, please send those too.


Unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of the spreadsheet from the past. Meredith Moore previously did the GHG reporting and I don’t have access to her files.

